Excellent podcasts that take a news story you’ve always sort of known about, but never really understood, and turns it into an accessible, in-depth story that’ll have you talking about it like an expert.

lazarus heist

Lazarus heist

True Crime

Nothing tops this well produced drama about North Korean hackers among the many podcasts I subscribe to.This podcast is epic, from the background music to the two narrators, and the plot build is the cherry on top. Well-researched podcast that occasionally veers off-topic in the middle but overall is a frightful look at what these hackers are genuinely capable of. In 2022, Season 2 is anticipated to premiere. There has only been one audience-attended live performance in New York.


The Bomb

The bomb

History Drama

The production of this podcast season 1 is the best. I mean you might have an orgasm listening to this true incident podcast about the end of worldwar 2. This podcast is presented in a fantastic way. It’s not every day you get to listen to a true blood family member speak of their ancestors decisions and achievements that created some of the most important and equally devastating moments in human history. The dramatic representation will have you on the edge of your headphones and will leave you wanting more every day. I’m glad I was recommended this fantastic podcast. Season 2 was not as thrilling.


Missing Crypto Queen

Missing Crypto Queen

True Crime

The biggest ponze scheme billions are invested by thousands across the world with hope of breaking through more than bitcoin. A story of One Coin the events in this podcast may be realtime incremental cause spoiler alert we are still searching for the disappeared Queen pin.


Fake heiress

Fake Heiress

True Crime Drama

At age 26, Anna Delvey was expected to receive a $67 million trust fund. She was in the process of launching the Anna Delvey Foundation, an expansive visual arts complex in the middle of New York City. As she courted the New York elites to gain funding for her project, she filled her time with champagne breakfasts and stays in luxury suites. Everything sounded fantastic.


Bad People

Bad People

True Crime

This sums up all the true crimes that have happened for each episode with much humor from Sofie and Dr Julia show. Dont be the guy that knew Jeffrey Dahmer from Netflix.


Uncany bbc


Paranomal Encounters

"Indeed, the BBC excels in the realm of podcasts. Personally, I discovered Danny Robins through the captivating series called the Battersea Poltergeist, and upon its conclusion, I eagerly awaited his next project. Once the initial episode was released, I immediately subscribed and eagerly anticipated each subsequent case.

It's evident that Danny possesses a genuine fascination with the subject matter, and in nearly every episode, he's astounded by the claims made by the individuals he interviews (which explains the title of the final episode). Additionally, he appears to be easily unsettled during these interviews, and I can empathize with him, particularly because two of them could easily serve as material for a chilling horror film."





A perfect mix of educational and entertaining content from a really likeable team”You're Dead To Me. This podcast is for anyone that wants a deeper dive into somewhat innocuous questions. Good for all ages.


Shamim Begum Story

I'm Not a Monster


"I'm Not A Monster: The Shamima Begum Story (available on BBC Sounds, with a content warning) serves as a sequel to Baker's acclaimed production centered around Sam Sally, the American mother who asserted that she was deceived into bringing her children into the heart of Isis. This captivating, suspenseful, and emotionally impactful series sees Baker meticulously retracing Shamima's journey, carefully dissecting the truth from falsehood. During interviews, Shamima impresses with her intelligence, eloquence, and candor, even though it would likely be more advantageous for her to fabricate her story now."


In our Time

In Our Time


This podcast is a gift, and the scholars are generous to share their stores of knowledge with us. 83 year old host Melvin Bragg is a great soul in a petty world.

If there was a cataclysm event the survivors could literally listen to this podcast and get back all the knowledge of the great civilization


You're Dead To Me

You're Dead To Me


I LOVE this show. It combines two of my absolute favorite things, history and comedy. It’s like the best history professor you ever had time ten. I love that it added a light hearted aspect, without shying away from hard truths. Greg is brilliant at keeping things moving and conveying lots of info in a very short time. I’m not even a little bit ashamed to admit this is my favorite weekend ritual. I, grab a beer, pop it on the shower speaker and laugh my butt off before bed.
